Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Best Denver Deals Help Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Every year when December 31st rolls around, we reflect on the passing year and think about what we want for the new year. As we are nearing the end of January, many of us are starting to see some of our goals start to wane. While each person has specific goals that they want to achieve, statistically speaking there are some goals that seem to pop up each year. According to Statistic Brain  the top three resolutions include: Lose Weight, Get Organized, and Spend Less/ Save More. In an effort to keep you on track to achieve your goals, here are some methods and deals to continue to make 2015 a great year.

Lose Weight 

Weight loss is a goal that pops up every single year and almost always in the top spot. We tend to give our future selves more self control credit than ourselves of last year. The reality is that we can help ourselves out a bit by making a more specific goal. For example: Join a new weekly exercise group, lose 5 lb in one month, or make an appointment with a nutrition coach. The key to success with this goal is to create a specific actionable task and find a way to make yourself accountable. Here are a few links to deals that will help you with losing weight. 

Dance Class for Adults  - Ever want to learn how to pop n' lock or pick up a few more moves than your basic Zumba?

Nutritional Counseling with a Registered Dietitian - Meeting with a nutritionist can give you both guidance and accountability.

Bet on Yourself!  Websites like Diet Bet, allow you to place a bet on yourself. If you hit your goal, you split the pot between you and the other people in your who have also hit their goal. It's super motivating and fun!

Get Organized

Clear the clutter! Through the run-of-the-mill some how we always manage to get more stuff - sometimes intentionally sometimes not. In the long run being organized saves you time and money, by not having to look for things and not accidentally re-buying something that you already have. The best way to get organized is to create a plan. Pick a couple of areas that you want to focus on and knock those out first. Here are some great checklists from Real Simple to get you started -  

Professional Organization Help  - For those you would like to get guidance, check out this Groupon for professional home organization.

Spend Less/ Save More 

In my opinion, the first step to spending less and saving more, comes down to knowing where your money is going in the first place. I suggest using one of the free services such as I use Mint and it links directly to my accounts and tells me exactly where my money is going. This app also can set financial goals and budgets. 

Financial Counseling Deals  - If you want to dive in deeper, I suggest setting up an appointment with a financial counselor or take a class aimed at your specific financial goal. This link is to Groupon, however many financial firms offer a free initial consultation to see what the best path for you would be.

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